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Daily Bible Study Plan

The following is a basic guide for personal Bible study.

Step 1 – Pray - Before reading, pray that God will speak to the needs of your life.

Step 2 – Read with an Inquiring Heart - Read through the scripture passage with these two questions in mind and write down your responses in a notebook or journal:

1 – What are key words or phrases that stand out to me?

2 – How do those key words help me understand the meaning of the passage?

3 - How can I apply the teaching in this passage to my life?

Going Deeper

Step 3 – For a deeper study, look up the key words you selected and read other passages where those same words are used.  You can do this by going to and entering the word in the search bar at the top of the Bible Gateway web page.  See how the word is used elsewhere and see if those usages broaden your understanding of the word.   

Step 4 – Try memorizing one or two verses and specific events or teachings that happen in each chapter.  If you are reading through a book of the Bible, see if you can create a “mental index” of the content of each chapter.  You might even make a notebook with the key events of the chapter. This will help you have a good grasp on the entire book and help you recall where a particular story or passage is.