Chapters 8 – 11  – The seven trumpets, Pt 1

SLIDE Revelation 8 – 11

If someone were to tell you a story about angels and beasts and trumpets blasting and scrolls being eaten and stars dropping out of the sky, about locust that looked like horses and horses that had tails that looked like serpents – you might think the person telling it was out of their mind, just spinning a tall tale or - possibly reading Revelation 8 – 11.  This section is full of symbolism and symbolic language.  Like I have done over the last couple of weeks, I want to give a short teaching on things that help us understand Revelation in our own personal study.

Today - Teaching on Symbolic Language

The creatures and events of what is found in chapters 8 – 11 is known as symbolic language.  A symbol is simply something that is seen that represent a message. 


When you see this picture, what are some things that quickly come to your mind?  America, patriotism, Christianity, freedom, faith, etc.  All of that in one picture that is not strange to us because of the culture we live in and the way we were raised.  Revelation uses images to convey messages that are not always easy for us to understand but they were meant to communicate a message.


This is the picture I have used for the backdrop for this series on Revelation.  Why this picture?  This is a picture I took of a sunset out on Bonita beach but to me it captures the big picture message of Revelation.  In the midst of darkness there is a light that outshines everything.  If you believe in the light We Win!


Here are    things to remember when reading Revelation

1 – Let scripture interpret scripture.  There are several examples where the symbols in Revelation are interpreted for us and usually it is a simple meaning.

2 – Don’t always look for meaning in every detail.

3 – Try to interpret what is going on in the larger context of the chapter or section.  Last week I said the seals, trumpets, and bowls all present a picture beginning with chaos and trial and ending with God’s judgement and ultimately worship of God.  That is also the pattern in Rev 8 – 11.

4 – One word about numbers.  In writings like Revelation numbers are sometimes used to communicate periods of time or pictures of completeness rather than just literal numbers.  The most famous number in Revelation is 666.  It is know as the Mark of the Beast.  It communicates a message, not just the number of marks someone might have on their forehead. This use of numbers is not always easy to discern and does lend itself to different interpretation of events.

The section of scripture we are going to look at today is probably the hardest and most confusing that we have encountered so far in the book.  I gave you an assignment last week to read Revelation 8 – 11 this week because we are not going to be able to read it all in the service today.  If you didn’t read it, go read it this week in light of what I will share with you today.

Remember, my approach is to take the big picture approach.  I will not attempt to explain every little detail of the creatures and events of the chapter.  Why?  Honestly because I don’t have all the answers and there are a lot of ideas out there.   But here is my summary:

Summary of Ch 8-11              

Chapter 8 – 4 trumpets showing destruction to 1/3 of the earth                                                  

Chapter 9 – Reflection of Satan’s defeat in the Garden of Eden and his evil forces beginning their attack on mankind                                                                                                                        

Chapter 10 – The power of the Word of God and Prophecy against Satan                                

Chapter 11 – The judgement of God and victory over evil

 So, that is a lot to take in.  Some of you are thinking, “I don’t know about all of that, I just want to figure out how to get through this week!”

I’ve got good news.  There is a lot in these chapters that can help you get through next week.  I do want to share 4 lessons I think that we can take away from these chapters that will apply to our lives today.


1.    Take Time to Pray
a.    Rev 8:1-4   When the Lamb broke the seventh seal on the scroll, there was silence throughout heaven for about half an hour.  2 I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and they were given seven trumpets. 3 Then another angel with a gold incense burner came and stood at the altar. And a great amount of incense was given to him to mix with the prayers of God's people as an offering on the gold altar before the throne.  4 The smoke of the incense, mixed with the prayers of God's holy people, ascended up to God from the altar where the angel had poured them out.

b.    I think it is interesting that there is a pause in heaven, in the midst of everything that is going on.  This is actually describing what took place before the 7 trumpets – declarations from God – blasted their message.

c.    What is happening in that pause?  God’s people are praying.

d.    What a beautiful reminder to us as individuals and the church – God’s people were found praying.  Things were happening around them that they probably did not fully understand – but they were found praying.

e.    If you look at the gospels you will find that many times Christ retreated from the daily activities of His ministry to go and pray.  And several times these times of prayer preceded great works of God

                                                   i.     Luke 6 – before Jesus selected the apostles – He spent the night in prayer

                                                 ii.     Luke 9 – on a mountain top praying with Peter, James, & John before His transfiguration – when Jesus appeared and was seen standing with Moses & Elijah.

                                               iii.     Luke 11 – in prayer when His disciples came and asked him to teach them to pray – He then gave us the “Lord’s Prayer”

                                               iv.     Matt 26 – Spent the night in prayer in Gethsemane before His crucifixion

f.      If we really want protection and God’s divine hand to be a part of our lives, our church, our nation – the place to start is in a holy pause before God.

g.    I don’t know about you, but there have been times in my life that I really didn’t understand what was happening around me and the only thing I could find strength in was to cry out to God and say, “Help, I don’t understand.”

h.    The first thing we can learn from this section is Take time to Pray.  Don’t be afraid to fall on your knees and cry out to Him.


2.    Take Time to Repent
a.    It is easy to live our lives day by day without thinking the urgency of repentance

b.    There is a urgency presented in the 7 trumpets in 8 – 11 to let us know that judgment will one day come and we should not take it lightly.

c.    The message of Revelation is a current message as well as a prophetic message.  This is consistent with the prophecy of the OT.  It was a call for the people to repent but it also was a picture of what might happen if they did not.

                                                   i.     We see an element of this in Rev 9:12:

                                                  ii.     “The first woe is past; two other woes are yet to come.”

                                                iii.     This seems to be a message to those who hear it in their present day but also points to things that are to come.
                                                iv.     The woes that Rev 9 present are warnings and calls for repentance for those who oppose God.  Look at Rev 9:20-21

1.    20 The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood — idols that cannot see or hear or walk.   21 Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.

                                                 v.     God wants everyone to repent and turn to Him. 

d.    It is like John is saying, as he watched this unfold in a vision  - “I can’t believe everyone didn’t turn to God after going through what they have just gone through.”

e.    John is presenting a picture of things that come because of the evil heart of mankind and their refusal to turn to God.

                                                   i.     Their leader is Satan and He causes havoc across the world.
                                                 ii.     The picture presented in Revelation is not new to the Bible.

Look at the OT.  There are many examples of where a foreign nation came in and oppressed God’s people.
2.    During those times of oppression God wanted people to turn to Him, to recognize Him as God.
3.    In the OT the worship of false gods was rampant – when people took their eye off of God chaos began to reign.

                                               iii.     It is not much different in the world today.  When people take their eye off of God in heaven, chaos begins to reign.

1.    Vs. 21 Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.  It sounds like John was watching the local evening news rather than seeing a vision in heaven.

2.    Starting in the 1960’s people have intentionally tried to remove God from more and more of our society and culture.

                                               iv.     The call of repentance in Revelation was not limited to the people of John’s day – that call of repentance cries out loudly and boldly to us today.
f.      What is God’s hope in the midst of the pain and suffering that happens?  That people will turn their eyes back to Him.
                                                  i.     2 Chron 7:14  14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

g.    So, our bold witness needs to remind others and ourselves of the need for repentance before God.

 Transition – So what are we to do?  Take time to Pray, Take time to Repent, and . . .

3.    Take time to Share God’s Message

a.    The purpose of us having the Bible is so that we may know what God has to say to us.

                                                   i.     Acronym – Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

b.    In Rev 10 & 11 there is a pause between the 6th & 7th trumpet.

c.    The first six trumpets pictured a terrible lost world and coming judgment – someone must speak up, someone must warn, someone must call the world to repentance and point them to salvation.

                                                   i.     At the end of Ch 10 John is told this:

                                                  ii.     Rev 10:11 Then I was told, "You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings."
d.    God is calling His people and His church to share the testimony of Christ to those who have no hope.

                                                   i.     Sometimes that testimony comes from sharing with others

                                                  ii.     Sometimes that testimony comes from remaining faithful during hard times

                                                iii.     Sometimes that testimony comes through doors that are open – which we need to walk through.         

                                                iv.     The truth is, we don’t know when our last opportunity might be to make a difference in the life of someone else for eternity. 


4.    Take Time to Praise

a.    Rev 11:16-17  16 And the twenty-four elders, who were seated on their thrones before God, fell on their faces and worshiped God, 17 saying:  "We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign.

b.    Remember the pattern we are seeing in Revelation – after a period of turmoil and chaos, it always concludes with a time of praise and worship.

c.    Not a bad pattern for us to follow in our daily lives.

d.    How many times have you turned to God in time of turmoil and when everything works out you go on with your life and forget to turn to Him in praise.
e.    While you live your life, don’t forget to take time to Praise Him.


So what is God’s message to us today as we live our lives here on this earth?Take time to Pray

Take time to Repent

Take time to share God’s Message

Take Time to PraiseChapters 8 – 11  – The seven trumpets, Pt 1

Chapters 8 – 11

The section of scripture we are going to look at today is probably the hardest and most confusing that we have encountered so far in the book

Remember, my approach is to take the big picture approach.  What does that mean?

Summary of Ch 8-11                                                                                                                             Chapter 8 – 4 trumpets showing destruction to 1/3 of the earth                                                   Chapter 9 – Reflection of Satan’s defeat in the Garden of Eden and his evil forces beginning their attack on mankind                                                                                                                         Chapter 10 – The power of the Word of God and Prophecy against Satan                                 Chapter 11 – The judgement of God and victory over evil

Teaching on Symbolic Language

A symbol is simply something that is seen that represent a message. 

When you see of an eagle, flag, and cross, what are some things that quickly come to your mind? 

Here are some things to remember when reading Revelation:

1 – Let scripture interpret __________________. 

2 – Don’t always look for _____________________ in every _________________.

3 – Try to interpret what is going on in the ______________ ____________ of the chapter or section. 

4 –Numbers are sometimes used to communicate periods of ___________or pictures of ___________________________ rather than just literal numbers. 

Read Revelation 8:7-9 

What does the passage present a picture of? 

Read Rev 11:15-17 

What can we learn from a section of scripture that shows that things will be tough for Christians trying to lives out their lives in this world?

Take Time to _______________

a.     Read Rev 8:1-4  

b.     What is happening in the pause? 

c.     If you look at the gospels you will find that many times Christ retreated from the daily activities of His ministry to go and pray. 

                                                    i.     Luke 6 –

                                                  ii.     Luke 9 –

                                                iii.     Luke 11 –

                                                iv.     Matt 26 –  

Take Time to ________________

a.     Is repentance something we think about a lot? 

b.     There is an urgency presented in the 7 trumpets in 8 – 11 to let us know that judgment will one day come and we should not take it lightly.

c.     Look at Rev 9:20-21
                                                    i.     Who does God want to repent and turn to Him? 

d.     John is presenting a picture of things that come because of the evil heart of mankind and their refusal to turn to God.
                                                    i.     Who causes havoc across the world? 

                                                   ii.     Is the picture presented in Revelation new to the Bible?  What are some examples from the OT?
Look at 2 Chron 7:14   

Take time to ___________________ God’s Message

a.     What is the purpose of the Bible? 

b.     Acronym – B__________ I__________ B_____________

L______________ E__________________

c.     In Rev 10 & 11 there is a pause between the 6th & 7th trumpet.

d.     The first six trumpets pictured a terrible lost world and coming judgment – someone must speak up, someone must warn, someone must call the world to repentance and point them to salvation.

                                                    i.     Look at Rev 10:11 Then I was told, "You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings."

e.     God is calling His people and His church to share the testimony of Christ to those who have no hope.

d.    How can that testimony be shared today?

Take Time to ____________
                a.  Look at Rev 11:16-17